
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

nursery - part deux

So, now the closet has been cased off, and just needs a little touch-up paint and hanging bars. Then we're all set to go!  Well, that is when we sort through ALL of the stuff that was crammed into the closet and then ONLY put back what has to go back.  The closet today: img_0377

These are two photos of the full wall in the nursery.  Some of you may notice that, yes, that is office furniture in there; it's coming out soon.  One of the wall from yesterday and the other one of the same wall today:


Just a little caulking and some fresh paint and it'll be good as new!  So exciting how all of this is moving along.  Can't wait to see how "daddy" feels about this when he gets home.


nursery - part 1