
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The bumpy and rough road of a new parent

"You should never feed then between 6:22 and 6:45!", "Never sway them to the left when trying to burp them or else!", "Be careful not to have them get confused between the bottle and the nipple!", "Whatever you do, don't let them sleep more than three hours!" Karen and I have been deluged with lots of opinions, information, and tips from friends and family ( let's not forget about the lovely internet and it's contradictory information.) One of the most difficult and challenging things we've experienced since Chloë joined us has been filtering all of the opinions and information out there. We'll look at one another and insist that we've heard the opposite when handling her, which just leads to frustration. The most important thing we're discovering is how she behaves and letting her tell us what she needs and wants and of course trying to go with the flow. I know we'll continue to get mixed messages for sometime, leading into her adolescent years, the challenge will be simply filtering it all.

Melts my heart #2

Melts my heart