
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

7 months old

Chloë, You turned 7 mos on Friday.  All of the previous posts are testimonies to how much you're growing and changing.  You roll around on the floor and we have to keep an eye on you so you don't roll away. Time to start thinking about childproofing the house, especially since when you roll around on the floor you have started going after books and things that are stacked on low shelves. We've added applesauce and green beans to the sweet potatoes and peas that you are eating.  We'll be adding more after we get the low-down from your ped on Wednesday.  You are also rolling over in your crib and once you're on your belly you stretch yourself up to try to peer over the edge.  Daddy is lowering your mattress today!!  Your bottom teeth are clearly out and visible to all who can catch a glimpse.  I have a feeling that you are going to be pulling yourself up very soon.  Not sure about the crawling thing, but walking may be in the near future.  Daddy and I have some projects ahead of us...

We love you so much and as much as we love that you are growing so much, it really is fast.


mommy and daddy

Is that a little girl I see there?

sippy cup fun