
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

11 months old

Wow, oh wow!! And you just keep growing. You are doing more and more of the same thing but now you are just better at them. Crawling, pulling yourself up, standing unassisted for longer periods of time, cruising, clapping, and bouncing/dancing are stronger then ever. You are also showing more and more of your personality. You clearly do not like it when we take you away from something that you are doing or take away something that you are engrossed with. You show when you are frustrated or mad (still trying to figure that one out). You sit and grunt; kinda scrunch yourself down as you do it. You will also flail your arms and legs in protest when we pick you up and you aren't ready to leave the toy that you were playing with. Yo are also beginning to whine when we take away a toy, Maman's keys for example, and don't give you something else in its place. You are also showing some signs of "separation anxiety". I saw you in the stroller today during your morning walk and when you finally spotted me you were so excited. I then waved to let you know that I needed to leave and you were clearly not happy about it. I now know that I will need to avoid seeing you on campus until pick-up time. I am saddened at the thought but know that it will only be for a short period of time, at least I hope so. And, you still love to turn yourself a full 360 degrees when you are seated on the floor. I really have to try to get that on video.

We love you more than you know and more than we ever thought possible.

XOXO, Maman and Papa

I was drunk

Back to school