
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Chillin' on Sunday

Sunday morning was overcast and cool, so we hung around the house for a while in our jammies, eating cereal right out of the box. A few hours later, we trekked over to Gammy's for brunch. You grazed all morning; cereal, bread, grits, egg casserole, fruit... You were in heaven and everyone shared their food with you. Once we got the family photo (at daddy's request) we headed home for nap time. After nap, we went to the Nike outlet where you played with the balls in the bin. We then headed to the grocery store for much needed food. When daddy goes out of town, I tend to let the fridge slowly empty out. We packed up the car with you and the groceries. About 5 mins from home, I turned around to find you with your hand in the bag of grapes having a snack. You had daddy and I laughing as stuffed 2 and then 3 grapes in your mouth when you realized that you were caught. (01/30/11)


Chinese Food